Week of Compassion

Week of Compassion Offers Variety of Opportunities

Want to be a big part of changing lives at Rockford Rescue Mission—and maybe even in your own neighborhood? Join us for our Week of Compassion, July 25-29. Each day features a different way you can impact someone’s life.

“We have such a compassionate, giving community,” said Sherry Pitney, Mission CEO. “We wanted to offer this entire week of ways to introduce folks to opportunities the Mission offers. Whether you’re an individual, family, church group, workplace group or service organization, there’s something here for you and your friends.”

The week’s opportunities include:

Monday, July 25: Item Collection Day

Help us collect items from our Current & Urgent Needs list—including laundry detergent, pillows, underwear, travel-size shampoo & body soap, water bottles, drink mixes and disposable utensils. Items may be dropped off any day this week between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. at the Mission’s main entrance, 715 W. State St. (Please bring food items to our Food Service entrance at the back of the building, off Mulberry Street.)

Tuesday, July 26: Volunteer Day

Come volunteer at the Mission! We’ll have special activities and opportunities for you to serve alongside others both at the Mission and at our Thrift Store. Spend an hour or spend the day—it’s your choice. Sign up by contacting Charmel Jacobs, Volunteer Supervisor, at charmeljacobs@rockfordrescuemission.org.

Wednesday, July 27: Money Donation Day

Help us raise $10,000 to support the Mission’s life-changing opportunities, including our Crisis Centers and Life Recovery Programs. You can donate here and also share the link with friends on social media.

Thursday, July 28: Outreach Day

Give “Get Help Here” cards and essential items to your neighbors in need. Take special note of people panhandling at busy intersections, and offer them real hope.

Friday, July 29: Meal at the Mission Day

Come have dinner with the Mission’s staff, residents and guests to see first-hand and celebrate the incredible work happening here! Join us at 5 p.m. or 5:40 p.m. in our Great Room. RSVP to Abby Finley at abbyfinley@rockfordrescuemission.org.