A Message from CEO Sherry Pitney
Your Story Matters
Dear Friends:
The holiday season carries sentimental visions of family gatherings. We love and celebrate those gatherings – and at Christmas, we celebrate our ultimate hope in Jesus Christ. We also know all too well that, for many families, the holidays are hard. Broken relationships, pain and grief all bubble to the surface, too.
We’re currently working on a book, The Other Side of Hope, in which seven women, including myself, tell their stories – stories of pain and redemption… identities lost and found… despair and hope. The book is due out in 2022, and telling these stories was no easy process for any of us. We have been dogged by the thought: It’s in the past. Just leave it there.
But God redeems our stories and our brokenness – not only for our own sake, but for the sake of others who are walking hard roads. Our deep hurt turns to hope. Often, our most effective service for Him grows from our greatest pain. In the book, we use a quote from 19th-century preacher Charles Spurgeon: “I have learned to kiss the wave that slams me into the Rock of Ages.”
This holiday season, no matter what story you find yourself in, I pray that you find it OK to be real – to share your story with someone who loves you and cares about you. I pray that you experience the overwhelming love and hope of the One who knows your story best… because He became flesh, and dwelt among us.
Partners in Hope,

Sherry Pitney