Sherry’s Blog

A New Chapter for Rockford Rescue Mission
Hello! This is the space where I usually tell you about something happening at the Mission or in the community, and point you to our cover story. This time is

The Blessings of Generosity
Did you know that generous people also tend to be the happiest people? The Bible says that (in Proverbs 22). Science agrees. People tend to be healthier, happier and live

‘I know God is in this place’
As Rockford Rescue Mission walks through this year of celebration for 60 years of ministry, each issue of The Rescuer has focused on a different aspect that has sustained the

Family Legacies Grow Through Volunteering
From our cover story in the summer issue of The Rescuer, I love how Taffey and Scott Graham’s story with the Mission goes back to Taffey’s childhood and a family

Churches: A legacy of treasured partnerships
The cover story for our Spring issue of The Rescuer warms my heart. Tim has walked a hard road and today finds himself in a good place with God and
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