Dear Friends:
Each year before our Evening for Hope telethon, we set a funding goal. This year, after much prayer, we set a target of $115,000. Given that everything is so uncertain right now during COVID and in our fragile economy, this represented a huge step of faith.
We have just finished totaling the giving commitments from last night, and I am thrilled to tell you the final amount was $137,819.32! In spite of the pandemic forcing a new way to bring the telethon to our viewers, we exceeded our goal by nearly $23,000!
This generous outpouring of gifts reinforces what we already knew—that we are part of a compassionate community that truly cares about their neighbors. We are so grateful for every person and business who partnered with us so that people can be impacted with the Gospel and with positive tools provided to rebuild their lives.
From the bottom, of my heart, thank you.
Partners in hope,
Sherry Pitney
CEO, Rockford Rescue Mission