‘I know God is in this place’

As Rockford Rescue Mission walks through this year of celebration for 60 years of ministry, each issue of The Rescuer has focused on a different aspect that has sustained the work for these decades. We started with community, then churches, then volunteers. In this issue, we celebrate our wonderful staff. The Mission’s ministry would of course not be possible without the commitment and dedication of these 80 men and women, serving in full-time and part-time roles.

Rescue work is incredibly difficult. The rewards are great, but they are rarely immediate. Often they are interspersed with deep pain and tragedy. Yet, God is at the center of it all. He prepares and equips our staff for this work, even long before they are actually employed here. He walks with us each day as individuals and as a team—offering guidance, wisdom, protection and compassion. I love what Jeff Richardson says in his story on the next page: “I know God is in this place and that He has His hand on it.”

We have so many dedicated, talented people serving in so many ministry roles here, from Crisis care and Life Recovery to vocational guidance, healthcare, facility maintenance, personnel and financial management and so much more. Jeff and Leona, who appear on this issue’s cover, would quickly tell you that their stories are no more compelling than any other staff member’s story. Yet, I think they represent our staff well. They reflect God’s heart in the ways they humbly serve others.

Thank you for remembering our staff as you pray for the Mission and those whom we serve.

Partners in Hope,


Sherry Pitney, CEO