A Message from CEO Sherry Pitney
“Why do you look for the living among the dead? He is not here; he has risen!” – Luke 24:5-6, NIV
As we celebrate the joy of Easter morning, we must also remember the pain and sorrow of Calvary – the agony Jesus faced and the fear His friends and followers felt when they thought all hope was lost.
Many of those who come through our doors also feel like hope is lost. They look back on their lives and feel nothing but brokenness… regret… shame.
But this Easter, they can experience the heart-pounding joy and love that comes through new life in Christ! Your support helps us share that message of hope all year long, but most especially during the miraculous Easter season.
The Bible tells us, “And God is able to bless you abundantly…” (2 Cor. 9:8 NIV). Through your gifts to Rockford Rescue Mission, you pass on those blessings to those who come through our doors!
Thanks to caring friends like you, this Easter will be a time of rejoicing for those who have found abundant life in the arms of our risen Savior… and a time to welcome anyone in need of everlasting hope.
I pray that you, too, will be filled with blessings and peace this Easter!
Partners in Hope,

Sherry Pitney