What We Do
Help & Hope for Hurting People in the Rock River Valley
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Change Starts With a Hot Meal and a Safe Place to Sleep

Our services are designed to serve physical, emotional, spiritual and relational needs by empowering people to move from despair and hopelessness to whole-person life change. These services are made possible by God’s continuing grace… and generous supporters in our community!
- Case Management
- Medical, Dental & Chiropractic Care
- Christ-Centered Guidance
- Life-Skills Classes
- Spiritual Mentoring & Guidance
- Educational Assessment & Support
- Vocational Training
- Aftercare
“I can’t thank Rockford Rescue Mission enough… They helped me walk back to God. Now I want to give people the same blessing and hope that the Mission gave me.”
— Terry, a graduate of our Life Recovery Program

Life-Changing Programs & Services
We help our residents and guests find whole-person restoration through programs and services that change hearts and lives through God’s love.
Meals for All
Hundreds of nutritious meals served to our residents, guests & community 3 times a day to nourish people, body & spirit
Meals for All
Life Recovery Programs
A residential long-term program (9-12 months) offering comprehensive help for men, women & mothers with children
Life Recovery Programs
Homeless Services
Short-term shelter offering emergency services for up to 180 men, women & children experiencing homelessness
Homeless Services
Hope Clinic
Free medical, dental & chiropractic services provided for Mission guests, residents, as well as the uninsured or underinsured in our community
Hope Clinic
Works! Center
Educational, employment & vocational training opportunities in a structured program preparing individuals to sustain long-term success
Works! Center
Thrift Store
Clothing, household items, furniture & more provided as a low-cost shopping option for our community
Thrift Store
Have a heart to serve those in our care?
“If you don’t have a friend in the world, you can find one here.”
That sign used to hang outside Rockford Rescue Mission, and it was a big reason I came here for help.